Monday, November 28, 2016

It's Week 10!!!!!!!! Don't Stress!!!!

We know how nerve racking this week can be with Finals just around the corner, parenting Holiday stressors and papers papers papers....
COME and take advantage of one of the MANY events provided this week—designed to assure you a little time to relax. Self-Care is essential! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Bruin Shelter for Students Experiencing Homelessness

Bruin Shelter is a student-run shelter for students experiencing homelessness in the greater Los Angeles area, and is the second of its kind in the entire country. We are excited to join Harvard Y2Y in providing for our most vulnerable youth in our own communities, and re-examining assumptions about what being homeless means.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Meet Grad Student Mary Lou: Our Featured SwD for November!

My name is Mary Lou and I am a graduate student at the School of Nursing at University of California of Los Angeles (UCLA). I received my undergraduate degree from California State University of San Bernardino (CSUSB) in the Health Sciences with a concentration in Public Health Education and a minor in Psychology. Shortly after the birth of my second child, at the age of twenty-three, I became a single mother -- a change that would highly impact me academically, financially and emotionally. I always knew I wanted to become a nurse however, it was difficult keeping up with the high demands of both school and my personal life at home while at the same time working a full time job. My grades began to drop significantly and I was told by my academic advisor that I was not competitive enough to ever be accepted into a nursing program and should change my pre-nursing major to something else, thus pursue a different career path. Devastated after being told I was not good enough for nursing, I chose a different major which had similar pre-requisites I had already completed while I was a pre-nursing student, Public Health Education and completely loved that aspect of health care.
I kept an optimistic attitude and knew that one day, when I was ready, I would continue to pursue nursing again. During the last year of my undergraduate degree at CSUSB, UCLA along visited my then campus, CSUSB, for a pre-health pre-med information conference. That’s when I discovered the Master’s Entry Level Nursing (MECN) program at UCLA, an entry level graduate program for individuals with a degree in another discipline wanting to pursue nursing. I immediately was captivated and eager to know there was another avenue to reach my goal of becoming a nurse. I dedicated the remainder of my undergraduate degree working towards acceptance to the UCLA’s School of Nursing and a few months after applying, I heard back from the only school I was determined to get into, UCLA. I chose to pursue my graduate degree at UCLA not only because of its prestige but also because they are a school of opportunity. Every aspect of their graduate program in nursing drew me in more and more and I finally understood why I was discouraged from nursing for so many years, it was so I could find my way to UCLA.

            I have now relocated with my kids to Los Angeles for graduate school and although it can be difficult at times as a single mother finding balance between my children and their needs and keeping up with the rigorous nursing program, life is great and we are enjoying life in LA. My favorite thing about the city so far is being surrounded by so many individuals with similar goals as myself as well as living so close to the beach!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Winter Quarter Poll: Parenting Support Group

Join our Support Group!
Please check every time slot that you are available for Winter Quarter Parent Support Group! 
The group will meet every Wednesday. Fill out the doodle once you decide on your classes. We just need to see the most desired time for our Parenting Support Group. :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Parenting Student shares her story and talks about advocacy for SwDs

Our Students with Dependents Intern Zehra Abbas was featured on the front page of The Daily Bruin on October 26, 2016! We're so proud!

"I have been wanting to share my story for a while. I want to tell everyone how I, Zehra Abbas, a student parent at UCLA has felt marginalized and invisible on campus as a parenting student and how I have made my journey into a story of inspiration and determination...."  Read her story here.

Image may contain: 2 people , people smiling , grass, sky, outdoor and nature


Little Bruin Wishes is a program that anonymously gives gifts and support to UCLA parenting students and their families who would otherwise struggle to fulfill their children's holiday wish lists. By supporting Little Bruin Wishes, you can relieve some of the stress and financial challenges our students with dependents face and help them enjoy a more festive holiday season!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Kids Programs at the Hammer Museum

Families explore art and create together in lively workshops led by artists at this UCLA affiliated Museum. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse!

 On October 30th, the SwD office co-hosted (along with Residential Life, and the Healthy Campus Initiative) an emergency preparedness event at the Sawtelle Community Center @ UV. Families learned how to keep your family safe in a zombie apocalypse*! Booths and interactive activities were set up to encourage families to practice their emergency plan, and learn how to prepare for the Zombie outbreak! *or earthquake, fire, or other disasters.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

October Events!

Here are a few pics from our Welcome Luncheon and our booth at the University Village "Welcome" Event! Always great meeting new SwD's!